When did ball mason put the r trademark symbol on jsrs
When did ball mason put the r trademark symbol on jsrs

when did ball mason put the r trademark symbol on jsrs

Chrstopher Vejnoska, Fran Ruth Robns, Charles C. Other awards, presented by the PTA, ncluded: Englsh, Jule S u z a n n e Fox, Charles G. Bonnctt, presdent of the nnth grade and Shelle Ann Bor nor, secretary, oresented the class gft. Thatcher, assocate pastor of the Frst Baptst Church. The nvocaton was led by Kobn Barnett and the benedcton by the Rev. Mayer, a eber of the Board of Educaton, presented dploas to the graduates at cereones n WestfeW Senor Hgh Schol. Chrstopher Vejnosloa shared the Class of '62 annual award for scholarshp as 349 students, 67 of these honor pupls, were graduated Tuesday nght fro Edson Junor Hgh School. Adsson s lted to 500 senor-hgh and college students. Geness- July 8, Crtcal Moss July 5, Geness July 22, Thc Troupe July 20, Crtcal Mass Aug. each Wednesday the YMOA-YWCA s u 0 r dance progra, called Devls Den, wll feature the followng bauds: June 2, Tho Troupe July. Devls Den Plans Dance Progras Begnnng June 24.

when did ball mason put the r trademark symbol on jsrs

She wll resde n FanWood where she has parrchased a hoe. before cong to the Unted States and' jonng thc staff of the VNA of Eastern Unon County n S8. She was wth the Saskatchewan departent of publc health n Regna, Sask. Mss Kel receved her publc health nursng certfcate fro the Unversty of Toronto and her bachelor of scence degree n supervson and adnstraton of publc health nursng fro McGll Unversty n Montreal. The two agences have snce consoldated to.for the present Vstng Nurse and Health Servces wth offces n bolh Elzabeth and Westfeld. Mss Kel has been lvng n FJorda recently but was the supervsor here of the forer Dstrct Nursng Assocaton when t was under contract for drecton fro the VNA of Eastern Unon County n '65 and 'C7. Eleen Ferdnansen who returned 'to prvate lfe. Mulvhll, general scence and bol- wollw (Contnued on plage 4) Freda Kel Back Wth VMS Mss Frcda Kcl has returned to Westfeld as supervsor of nurses at the Vstng Nurse and Health Servces offce, 773 Central Ave. Such a board TO, ElzabcH Bredn, Donna Can- School. wel acq llalnlt ' d Judy Hesnk, cello Tlaaques John'Montag, algebra Mchael ^ the Probles Westfeld s faelng - PEP beleves. hstory Robert lhcs? experts would be local people alld so would be GMs' Mnaaraal Awards: Year School: Susan Worth, voln and Martn safe drvng. P"""' 0 "»" "ealth, etc., accouhng Itaa's and WlBa To'alons, Nancy Bagalell, clarnet Wlson hstory and U. Sth, Cynthfe Slatas, Ton Vllane, trupet McKnley School Anthony bazzaro, eghth grade U. Kenneth, e p, sol j wlta dsnosal wt '^ZZ^ nos lolh on effects Banteon Reed, Lesle FaUh Saunjers, Nauacy Lee Schrcuber, Jlarpet _ Washngton School Donc Englsh and 8th grade Englsh ot School Robert Bluenshcst, tru- SfaTnZStt^ etc accothnh rnood K. er JeB'aph Mcll'ale, DdbonaJ Lovcll Tho student nstruentalsts arc 9th grade ath Clarence Jones.Nye, Paul Davd Peck'a, EHaabalh Duncan Wnter, clarnet Grant safe drvng Ke. 2 and 3 Ely E. Noral Jacteon, algebra andz LSSu^S of, ols, r PTA-PTO scholarshps to the Grclch, pano geoetry. Hop- and, Robert Retzke, to receve tho and 8th grade ath A. Book of Gold: Ctarles Allpwt, JonQOran Anders MTA Rejects salary Offer, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 970 Bagger, Conetavce Lee Balner, Joanne Malller Olan'k, Albcft Glossnc" Danker Jr., Jorallan Jby. Honor sttdenls llnrrl hgh, CharleB Alpa-t second, Jonaltlhfta ArtdsrB Bagger fwt, Lese Fath Saun'dere. La Costa Mat}!, Jona- M»an Andets Dagge, scence, Burt MJohell Slvcran, ndustraj ats, Jonathan Andcn-> Bdgger Meorldl dwatjs Dck.ans», elolln 0 ', Mf'ul'ha darter Fratt McUnon, typng, Nancy Lee Schjt.'ocr, Bur!!, urtruentt nus- IC, NchAs ThctdD^e pppasj ad Lage, athletcs, Albert Glossner Dankor Jr. Chente Goran, Carolyn GutaS French, Lesle 'PaSl Sauddttrs Spash, Ely E. awa>tt'3: EnfelM, Dane El'ane Cutngs hstory, Olrarles Mpert Datt:'n, Nancy N.

when did ball mason put the r trademark symbol on jsrs

"Wnners of awards wore: Aercan Legon Goa'd Ctzenshp, Stephane Ar-den Cfalagla and JonBthan Aktens Bagger. Pawl's EpSsoopal Church, gave both the TO'Caton and bbne! dsdt'on. Sth, Student Councl prcsent, led the flag salute. Pecfca, presdent of tte nntl grade, the Class gft presented by Dav'd C. The welcong alddress was g'veu by Dawr P. Cohen, a elbcr of He Board of Educaton, presented dplo'as to the graduates, any of WlVo were recmuns of lavwaads atouroed by Chester H.

when did ball mason put the r trademark symbol on jsrs

The oereote^ were held to Wesffeld ffgh Sdho»l. 45 Publshed Every Thursday Junor Hghs Graduate Earn 349Prooted RJDploas At Edson Thres lurtdred artd 7 students, 60 wu hotor rankng,' were grcruateld Tu'sday nght fra. WESTFIELO.H.I THE LEADER Best Wshes To All 970 Graduates THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY EIGHTIETH YEAR No.

When did ball mason put the r trademark symbol on jsrs